I am delighted to be offering Feldenkrais classes in Parramatta in the next few weeks. The classes will be held every Wednesday, from 1pm to 2pm at All Saints Anglican Church Hall, 29 Elizabeth St, Parramatta and will commence on the 13th of May.
Feldenkrais classes are a great way to deepen your knowledge and experience of the method. Each class follows a unique sequence of movements which shows their nervous system how to break through old dysfunctional physical habits to more efficient and expansive muscular skeletal organisation.
The best way to learn about a Feldenkrais class is actually to come and experience one! A person usually feels refreshed, more flexible, and more mentally alert after a Feldenkrais class.
The Feldenkrais classes are also a great way for parents of children who see me for private Feldenkrais lessons to gain greater insight on the method and to build on the child’s learning at home.
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