I have just been watching a video of a discussion between the Dalai Lama and renowned neuroscientists, Dr Edward Taub and Dr Michael Merzenich on ‘Neuroplasticity and Healing’ at the University of Alabama. There are some little gems shared on neuroplasticity in this seminar. For instance a key aspect of brain plasticity is the brain’s tendency for association. For instance every time we have a feeling or thought the brain creates an association. This association mechanism forms the glue in our brain and due to this power to associate we incorporate those who are important to us in our lives and form attachments. In the Feldenkrais method, we are showing the nervous systems new associations by connecting different parts of the skeleton as a person moves. To watch this seminar go to http://www.onthebrain.com/2014/10/video-michael-merzenich-conversation-dalai-lama/
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