I recently spent three days learning more about Ruthy Alon’s work, which she has adapted from Feldenkrais. We used long tracks of material to wrap our body up in various configurations and explored the effects of this in the gravity zone, that is in standing, walking and in sitting. I envisage that such support gives our proprioceptive mechanisms feedback or a reference in relation to where we are in the vertical. And hence we get to know better when we are operating close to our central axis of support or more at our extremities. With this feedback the nervous system somehow works out how to reduce both high and low tone. Another wonderful aspect of the work is also her focus on generating rhythmic movements through the body and using the voice to enhance this. Much of her work lends itself to be used in a playful way with children. You can find out more about Ruthy Alon’s work and her Australian trainers by visiting http://www.bonesforlife.com/185745/Australia. Ahh it is a never ending learning journey with this work – just like the human brain 🙂
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