Check out this link on neuroplasticity! I think it explains it well. It also shows us why it is so important to keep working at things we are not good at. We have to put in the work to break the habits, or to form new neural pathways. In Feldenkrais we do this at a subconscious level and at a conscious level. The nervous system learns something new that it likes and automatically improves the organisation of the musculoskeletal system without us even trying. An another level, at a conscious level we are working with our body image, what we are sensing in terms of ourselves, how and where we are in relation to others and our environment. As we learn to experience ourselves more fully, our physical ability improves and also our brain improves. As Feldenkrais said, in order to change something you need to know what you are doing now. Check out this vidoe from
It will inspire you to keep learning 🙂